Photo of Bexis

Our BlackBerries were buzzing off the table on Thursday. FDA Chief Counsel Sheldon Bradshaw was speaking about federal preemption at the Defense Research Institute drug and device meeting in San Francisco, and apparently he said something nice about this blog.

So, thanks both to Mr. Bradshaw (who’s obviously a wise and sagacious man) for the plug and to our clients and colleagues who sent e-mails alerting us to what he had said.

And welcome to the DRI members who’ve now learned about this blog and chosen to visit us. For your convenience, here’s a link to our post about the CBE regulations that Mr. Bradshaw praised.

We recently learned about other visitors, too. We assume that many of our visitors are luddites, like we are. But now that we’re blogging luddites, we learned about the “Google Analytics” tool that tells us generally how many people are visiting our blog and where they’re located.

A couple of weeks ago, one of your co-hosts, sitting at his home computer, was tickled pink to see that we’d had visitors from six different continents. (Antarctica, where are you?) Yours truly pointed this out to his teenage son, who responded, without missing a beat, “Why do you think they call it the World Wide Web, loser?”

No prophet is revered in his own home.

Anyway, we were recently surprised to see that we’d had a visitor from Cali, Colombia. We were wondering who in Cali would be interested in our views about defending pharmaceutical and medical device product liability cases in the United States. And then it struck us: When you host the “Drug and Device Law Blog,” folks searching the internet for topics like “Drug Law” might stumble upon you by accident.

So we welcome our visitors from Cali, too, although we think our guests from DRI might find repeat visits to be of more interest.

Please do share our url with others who might be interested in the topics that we cover. We love the company.