Some of our bloggers are speaking at two more continuing legal education (“CLE”) events, one free, the other … not so free.
First, the freebie. On November 18, 2015 Reed Smith’s Life Sciences Group is hosting a half-day CLE program from 9:00 a.m. ET until 1:30 p.m. ET at the firm’s Philadelphia Office (1717 Arch Street, Three Logan Square (formerly the Verizon building)). Here are the topics:
- Adventures in Personal Jurisdiction: Can One Have the Bauman Cake and Eat it Too?
- Turning the Tables – How to Secure Sanctions in the Frivolous Case
- Tips for Proactively Defending False Claims Act Allegations by Whistleblower Employees
- Buying Justice? An Ethical Examination of Third Party Litigation Funding
Two of our bloggers, McConnell and Bexis, will present the Bauman personal jurisdiction segment. Blogger Rachel Weil is co-presenting the ethics segment on litigation funding.
This CLE is approved for four hours (or the equivalent) of CLE credit in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey – including an hour of ethics. Breakfast and lunch are included. Like we said, there’s no charge, but space is limited so attendees do have to register. You can do that here.
Second, Bexis is speaking at the American Conference Institute’s Summit on Promotional Review Compliance for Drugs & Devices to be held in Philadelphia (at the Union League) January 11-13, 2016. Here’s a copy of the conference brochure. Bexis is speaking on the third panel presentation, entitled “It’s a Brave New World: Real World Strategies for Understanding What Kind of Off-Label Marketing Is Allowed Or Is Still Off-Limits Post-Amarin.” You guessed it, that’s about off-label promotion and the First Amendment. If you’re interested in the subjects of these posts, then you’ll want to hear what Bexis and his co-panelists have to say.
That’s just one of thirteen presentations that will be given at the ACI’s promotional-related conference.
The only bad news is that the ACI’s conference isn’t free – or even cheap. The price for the three days is $2095. However, Bexis has prevailed upon ACI to extend his 10% speaker’s discount to all readers of the blog. If you register online, use the code: D10-818-818×16.SM to get the discounted price of $1885.50. If you register with ACI some other way, ask for Kim Bolan (, use Bexis’ name, and you’ll still get 10% off. Discounted hotel reservations are also available for out-of-towners. Call 215-587-5570 and mention “ACI Drug Advertising Conference” to receive the preferential rate.