The Drug and Device Law Blog is deliberately apolitical. Our purpose is to support the defense of prescription medical product liability litigation, and we recognize that the political views of our intended audience undoubtedly vary widely.
But one of the foundational grounds of our defense efforts is that the FDA, in its approval and subsequent regulation of prescription medical products, does so through skilled experts impartially evaluating well-conducted research and sufficiently supported facts. The agency’s adherence to the scientific method and scientific principles is essential to our clients as they develop, and seek regulatory approval for, new prescription medical products, as well as changes to existing labeling, designs, and manufacturing processes. In litigation, the FDA’s adherence to the scientific method and scientific principles is the underpinning of our clients’ two most powerful defenses – preemption and Rule 702/expert admissibility. If the FDA (and other federal agencies such as the CDC, NIH, and ACIP) ever abandoned, or were perceived to have abandoned, the scientific method in its decision-making, both regulatory and litigation chaos quite likely would result.
That’s why we are disturbed by indications that anti-vaccine crusader and all-around science denier Robert Kennedy, Jr. might be given authority over the FDA – and allowed to “go wild” over “health care” and “medicines.” Here is a video link to a recent Trump speech, and here is our transcript limited to the relevant statements:
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