This blog has long encouraged defendants in prescription medical product liability litigation to seek relevant ediscovery from plaintiffs. We even have an ediscovery cheat sheet with almost 250 favorable decisions either allowing defense-side ediscovery in personal injury cases or else sanctioning plaintiffs for spoliating sought-after electronic data. But we confess, we’ve been focused so firmly on social media and smartphones, where ediscovery from plaintiffs originated, that we have ignored the rising popularity of fitness trackers, Fitbits, smart watches, smart rings and similar devices (even clothing) being marketed to people who may eventually become plaintiffs. These products create a great deal of health-related (and other) information that is of obvious relevance in mass (and other) tort litigation.
What we found is that surprisingly few defendants seem to be seeking this type of information – at least there are very few decisions involving discovery of these devices.
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