Today’s guest post comes from Reed Smith partner, Matt Jacobson. He discusses a new medical device case that puts the “Tw” in TwIqball – as in twisting a screw. The result is a total defense win, albeit with the “twist” that the plaintiff can try again, if he can. As always, our guest posters deserve 100% of the credit (and any blame) for what they write.
Have you ever heard that old idiom “having a screw loose” and wondered where it came from? My guess is most of you have heard the saying, but never thought twice about its origin (well maybe Bexis has). But since I have your attention, here is a small history lesson. During the industrial revolution, if a screw from a machine came loose it meant that the machine was not behaving normally. Since these machines were built for mass production, having a screw come loose would cause the entire machine to shut down, halting the process. At least one person claims that Eli Whitney, famed for inventing the cotton gin, was the person to say this phrase first. But I cannot verify that fact no matter how many internet searches I ran, so that will remain a mystery.
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