We’ll get to today’s case in a moment, but first, a few words about SCOTUS and expiration dates.
The definitive source for intelligent commentary on the law that matters for drug and device product liability cases
We’ll get to today’s case in a moment, but first, a few words about SCOTUS and expiration dates.
Just two days ago, Bexis lowered the boom on the Third Circuit’s recent decision in Cottrell v. Alcon Labs, ___ F.3d ___, 2017 WL 4657402 (3d Cir. Oct. 18, 2017). In a 2-1 decision, the Cottrell court permitted the plaintiffs to proceed on the notion that making eye drop drips bigger than they have …
We have blogged several times about the somewhat esoteric issue of whether intangible items – chiefly computer software, website algorithms, and other electronic information – is treated as a “product” for purposes of imposing strict liability on their creators. It’s an interesting topic; Eric recently wrote a paper on it, and Bexis is putting together a “white paper” for the Product Liability Advisory Council on the same subject. From these exercises we concluded that a 50-state survey on intangibles as “products” for product liability purposes would be both doable and useful.Continue Reading How the Fifty States View Electronic Data as a “Product”
With new grass on the field, the 2019 baseball season is underway and optimism springs eternal. Here in Philadelphia, the Phillies have actually around the top of the NL east for the first time since, umm…., last year actually. But this year, having added possibly the best player and best catcher in the league,…
We’re inaugurating a new feature today. It’s sort of half way between our scorecards, which we keep up to date (as best we’re able) with both favorable and adverse decisions on a particular subject, and our usual defense-side cheerleading that hails defense wins and excoriates our losses.
What we’re going to start is something we…
After Riegel v. Medtronic, Inc., 128 S. Ct. 999 (2008), was decided, we decided it was time to retire our old device preemption scorecard. The big question, whether PMA device manufacturers are protected by preemption, was resoundingly answered “yes.”
But since then, we’ve said repeatedly that we don’t expect plaintiffs to just fold…