We haven’t see too many of these.  The reason for that is the gadolinium litigation is practically a textbook example of where federal law ought to preempt state-law product liability claims of all kinds—including both design defect claims and failure-to-warn claims.  Just search gadolinium on the blog and you’ll find plenty of cases dismissed on

Almost two months ago we posted on the magistrate’s Report and Recommendation in Drescher v. Bracco Diagnostics Inc., 2020 WL 699878 (D. Ariz. Jan. 31, 2020).  Back when our co-workers didn’t include furry, four-legged friends.  When we weren’t also re-learning high school geometry.  And when pajamas and slippers weren’t acceptable work attire.  Many things

We’ve brought you some great news from the gadolinium contrast agent litigation last year and the hits just keeping on coming.  This time out of federal court in Arizona.  And while the court is giving plaintiff another stab at re-pleading her case, we are doubtful plaintiff will be able to cure the deficiencies identified in

One slushy morning this week, we found ourselves searching for our favorite black duck boots.   We found one and put in on, then, after much rummaging in the dark recesses of our closet, found a second.   At this point, we were on the edge of missing our train, so we put on the second shoe

The last baseball player to reach a .400 batting average for a season was Ted Williams in 1941.  In a sport that probably keeps more stats than any other, baseball sees records broken and milestones reached all the time.  Some marks, however, appear to be set in stone.  One of these is Ted Williams’s 1941