The TortsProf blog recently started inviting torts scholars to publish guest posts on Monday mornings.
This is a nice addition to the blog. No matter how prolific a thinker you are, you’ll run out of new and clever topics for your blog after you’ve written your first, say, 1000 posts. (Just ask us.) Inviting others, with new ideas, to contribute guest posts, adds new voices, and issues, to the conversation.
Thus far, the Monday guest bloggers at Torts Prof have contributed interesting posts on “Does Tort Law Really Deter?,” “Introducing Real World Concerns in the Teaching of Torts” (what do you want out of ’em? They’re academics, for heaven’s sake.), and “Health Insurance Reform and ERISA.”
According to the TortsProf teaser, the rest of the Fall line-up looks like this:
10/12 – John Oberdiek (Rutgers-Camden);
10/19 – Martha Chamallas (Ohio State);
10/26 – Adam Scales (W&L);
11/2- Jason Solomon (Georgia);
11/9 – John Goldberg (Harvard);
11/16 – Tim Lytton (Albany);
11/23 – Ben Zipursky (Fordham).
What a great idea — a teaser for your blog!
Here’s our teaser:
Monday – Herrmann;
Tuesday – Beck;
Wednesday – Herrmann;
Thursday – Beck;
Friday – Herrmann.
Bet you can hardly wait.