Photo of Bexis

Now that our birthday celebration is behind us, it’s back to work.

Consider taking a look at these two items recently posted on other blogs:

First, the Civil Procedure & Federal Courts Blog collects in one place scholarship analyzing the Supreme Court’s decision in Wyeth v. Levine. Whether or not you have a taste for scholarship generally, if you play in our sandbox, you should be aware of that literature.

Second, Point of Law collects in one place the abstracts of three papers discussing whether third parties should be permitted to finance litigation. That was once called “champerty;” today, it’s called “business as usual.”

Wait! That was a joke! If one of us is ever opposing you in litigation, we believe that having a third party finance your litigation — whether litigation costs, attorneys’ fees, or expert witness fees — is probably wrong, and we are not waiving our rights in that regard by publishing this blog post. (See? Three years of blogging and we’ve turned paranoid. What will we look like at four?)