With Bexis and McConnell now at Reed Smith, we’ve gained access to Reed’s database on the ubiquitous plaintiffs’ expert Dr. Suzanne Parisian. Therefore, we’re updating our last list of Parisian transcripts to include additional Parisian transcripts that are publicly available (we do not knowingly list transcripts that have been filed under seal − although that did once happen by accident; we fixed it).
As before, if we have the actual transcript of Parisian’s testimony, then the item is listed in black, whether or not it’s also available on Westlaw those also have a Westlaw citation). If we don’t have any transcript, then we’ve also listed it, but in red. A red colored entry with a Westlaw cite means we don’t have a copy of the transcript, but it’s available on Westlaw.
We still doubt that the list below is complete, but it’s getting better. If you’d like to contribute a transcript, send it to Bexis or McConnell, since we’re keeping the master file here, now. As before, it’s chronological, and we’ve included what drug or device was involved. Here we go again:
1997-09-03 Macias v. Medtronic (spinal stimulator, leads) Deposition
1997-09-12 Hoeffer v. Am. Med. Sys. (penile implant) Deposition
1997-09-25 Hoeffer v. Am. Med. Sys. (penile implant) Trial
1998-03-23 Porterfield v. Ethicon (surgical mesh) Deposition
1998-04-06 Macias v. Medtronic (spinal stimulator, leads) Deposition
1998-04-14 Macias v. Medtronic vol 1(spinal stimulator, leads) Trial
1998-04-15 Macias v. Medtronic vol 1(spinal stimulator, leads) Trial
1998-04-15 Macias v. Medtronic vol 2(spinal stimulator, leads) Trial
1998-04-16 Macias v. Medtronic vol 1(spinal stimulator, leads) Trial
1998-04-17 Macias v. Medtronic vol 1(spinal stimulator, leads) Trial
1998-04-17 Macias v. Medtronic vol 2(spinal stimulator, leads) Trial
1998-04-20 Macias v. Medtronic vol 1(spinal stimulator, leads) Trial
1998-04-20 Macias v. Medtronic vol 2(spinal stimulator, leads) Trial
1998-06-10 Suerth v. Pfizer (femoral stem) Deposition
1998-06-30 Suerth v. Pfizer (femoral stem) Deposition
1998-08-31 In re AMS Minnesota Penile Prosthesis Litigation Deposition
1998-08-31 In re Guidant Implantable Defibrillators PLL Deposition
1998-09-09 Suerth v. Pfizer (femoral stem) Deposition
1998-09-18 In re AMS Minnesota Penile Prosthesis Litigation Deposition
1998-11-25 Mason v. Carter Wallace (pregnancy test) Deposition
1998-12-22 Ethicon, Inc. v. Artegraft, Inc. (biliary stent) Deposition
1999-08-20 Drake v. Sofamor Danek Group (bone screw) Deposition
1999-10-07 Hoeffer v. Am. Med. Sys. (penile implant) Deposition
2000-01-15 Chow v. U.S. Surgical Corp. (trochar) Deposition
2000-01-16 Doe v. Ortho Clinical Diagnostics (thimerosal) Deposition
2000-02-22 Linsley v. C.R. Bard, Inc. (surgical mesh) Deposition
2000-05-10 Barnes v. EBI Medical (cold pack) Deposition
2000-11-30 Carr v. Bernhardt (cervical interbody fusion system) Deposition
2001-02-12 Nelson v. C.R. Bard, Inc. (surgical mesh) Deposition
2002-01-15 Chow v. United States Surgical Corp. (trocar) Deposition
2002-01-23 Shows v. St. Dominics Hospital (ventilator) Trial
2002-05-06 Fowler v. ADAC Laboratories (nuclear scanning device) Deposition
2002-07-16 Parker v. Alcon (Pantopaque), 2002 WL 34201763 Deposition
2002-08-13 Parker v. Alcon (Pantopaque) , 2002 WL 34201762 Deposition
2002-09-19 Drinkwater v. Boston Scientific (?) Deposition
2002-10-10 Cohen v. Lysonics (?) Deposition
2003-03-10 Barnes v EBI Medical (cold pack) Deposition
2003-03-26 Barthold v. Boston Scientific (GDC Coil) Trial
2003-04-03 Galzerano v. Stryker Corp. (knee implant) Deposition
2003-05-01 Morton v. George Washington University (?) Deposition
2003-07-08 Galzerano v. Stryker Corp. (knee implant) Deposition
2003-07-25 Dateline Interview (hip implant) TV Show
2003-08-19 Bartlett v. Stryker Corp. (knee implant) Deposition
2003-09-11 Teperson v Sulzer (hip implant) Deposition
2004 McCullough v. Aventis, 2004 WL 5046828 (flu vaccine) Partial Expert Testimony
2004 Kendall v. Wyeth, 2004 WL 6019671, 2004 WL 6022467, 2004 WL 6022468 (hormone therapy) Partial Expert Testimony
2004-02-25 George v. Aultman Hospital (fluoroscope) Deposition
2004-05-26 Oakberg/Lillebo v Zimmer, Inc. (hip implant) Deposition
2004-08-24 Ross v. Cyberonics (nerve stimulator) Deposition
2004-09-10 Paulin v. Aventis (?) Deposition
2004-09-21 Cueva v Sulzer (hip implant) Deposition
2004-10-27 Hardy v. Bayer (Baycol) Deposition
2004-11-11 Allan v. Terens (?) Deposition
2004-11-12 Oakberg v. Zimmer, Inc. (hip implant) Daubert Hearing
2004-12-06 Johnson v. Ethicon (suture) Deposition
2004-12-07 Johnson v. Ethicon (suture) Deposition
2005-01-20 Hardy v. Bayer (Baycol) Trial
2005-01-21 Hardy v. Bayer (Baycol) Trial
2005-01-24 Hardy v. Bayer (Baycol) Trial
2005-02-02 Doschadis v. Zimmer, 2005 WL 3635612, 2005-WL 6310437, 2005 WL 6310442 (hip implant) Deposition
2005-02-09 Jacob v. Caesars Entertainment (anti-infection practices) Deposition
2005-03-14 Johnson v. Ethicon (suture) Deposition
2005-03-15 Johnson v. Ethicon (suture) Deposition
2005-05-03 Vinion v. Amgen (IDE Embrel) Deposition
2005-05-13 Ashford v. Mariner Post-Acute Network (?) Deposition
2005-05-24 Vinion v. Amgen (IDE Embrel) Deposition
2005-06-10 Saban v. Lumenis Inc. (?) Deposition
2005-07-11 Grother v. Clarus Medical (laser), Deposition
2005-07-11 Williams v. Clarus Medical (laser) Deposition
2005-07-15 Renovitch v. Synthes (medullary exchange tube) Deposition
2005-07-28 Leclerc v. Zimmer (hip implant), 2005 WL 3635613 Deposition
2005-08-15 Doschadis v. Zimmer, 2005 WL 6320155, 2005 WL 6310440, 2005 WL 6310441 (hip implant) Deposition
2005-09-08 Meinhart v. Hoveround Corp. (electric wheelchair) Deposition
2005-11-09 Buonocore v. Cardeon Corp. (aortic profusion device) Deposition
2005-11-11 Contratto v. Ethicon (post-surgical adhesion barrier) Deposition
2005-12-01 Saban v. Lumenis (?) Deposition
2005-12-16 Contratto v. Ethicon (post-surgical adhesion barrier) Deposition
2006-01-04 Stewart v. Sulzer (hip implant) Deposition
2006-01-16 Doe2 v. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics (thimerosal) Deposition
2006-03-16 Stewart v. Sulzer, 2 vols. (hip implant) Trial
2006-03-20 Buonocore v. Cardeon (?) Trial
2006-03-27 Judd v. TMC Healthcare, 2006 WL 3257121 (vascular device) Deposition
2006-04-04 Grother v. Clarus Medical (medical laser) Deposition
2006-04-19 In re Prempro PLL, 2006 WL 5443498, 2006 WL 5443499, 2006 WL 6576306, 2006 WL 6576308, 2006 WL 6642053 (hormone therapy) Deposition
2006-04-19 Meharg v. I-Flow, 2006 WL 6607760 (pain pump) Deposition
2006-04-19 Hines v. Wyeth, 2006 WL 6831050 (hormone therapy) Deposition
2006-06-07 Doherty v. Merck (Vioxx) Trial
2006-05-08 Doherty v. Merck (Vioxx) Deposition
2006-05-09 Doherty v. Merck (Vioxx) Deposition
2006-07-21 Black v. Johnson & Johnson (?) Deposition
2006-07-28 McCullough v. Aventis (flu vaccine) Deposition
2006-08-18 Weston v. CIBA Vision, 2006 WL 6610553 (contact lens) Deposition
2006-08-19 In re Prempro PLL, 2006 WL 6576310 (hormone therapy) Deposition
2006-09-21 Reece v. Astrazeneca (Crestor), 2006 WL 3938900 and 2006 WL 4079040 Deposition
2006-10-11 In re Guidant Corp. Implantable Defibrillators PLL, 2006 WL 6271412 Deposition
2006-12-18 Matarese v. Reese (?) Deposition
2007-02-20 Nix v GSK, 2007 WL 7079369 (Serevent) Deposition
2007-02-09 Jacob v. Caesars Entertainment, 2007 WL 7035983 (anti-infection practices) Deposition
2007-02-28 Masters v. Eniva Corp. (?) Trial
2007-04-18 Simon v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2007-04-19 Simon v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2007-04-20 Simon v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2007-04-20 Simon v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2007-04-20 Simon v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2007-04-26 Reece v. Astrazeneca (Crestor) Daubert Hearing
2007-06-14 Fleet Phospho-Soda Litig. (bowel preparation solution) Deposition
2007-07-10 Pryor v. Bon-Secours (?) Deposition
2007-07-19 Rowatt v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Deposition
2007-07-20 Rowatt v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Deposition
2007-08-20 In re Human Tissue Litig., 2007 WL 6502202, 2007 WL 6502183, 2007 WL 714497 (cadaver implants) Deposition
2007-10-02 Hays v. CB Fleet (bowel preparation solution) Deposition
2007-10-15 Lewis v. Ortho-McNeil (?) Deposition
2007-11-08 Singh v. Edwards Lifesciences (heart catheter & monitor) Deposition
2007-11-14 In re Prempro PLL (hormone therapy) Deposition
2007-11-14 Hernandez-Trevino v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Deposition
2007-12-20 In re Prempro PLL (hormone therapy) Deposition
2008-02-01 Rix v. Sanchez & Abbott Labs. (Depakote) Deposition
2008-02-12 Scoggins v. Wyeth, 2008 WL 8115543 (hormone therapy) Trial
2008-02-13 Scoggins v. Wyeth, 2008 WL 8115544 (hormone therapy) Trial
2008-02-13 LaFerrara v. Wyeth, 2008 WL 8126385 (hormone therapy) Deposition
2008-02-13 Hines v. Wyeth., 2008 WL 8652728 (hormone therapy) Trial
2008-02-15 Singh v. Edwards Lifesciences (cardiac catheter) Trial
2008-02-28 Runner-Bradden v. Bausch & Lomb (contact lens solution) Deposition
2008-03-03 Scoggins v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2008-03-05 Scoggins v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2008-03-11 In re Ortho Evra PLL (contraceptive patch) Deposition
2008-03-17 Haslam v. Pfizer, 2008 WL 5186626, 2008 WL 5270853, 2008 WL 6831968, 2008 WL 8415040 (Bextra) Deposition
2008-04-07 Arbino v. J&J, 2008 WL 5539279 (contraceptive patch) Deposition
2008-04-07 Tomko v. J&J, 2008 WL 7427808 (contraceptive patch) Deposition
2008-04-21 Dubzak v. Boston Scientific (bladder support device) Deposition
2008-06-03 Dussault v. Children’s Hospital (?) Deposition
2008-06-30 Oliva v. Bristol-Myers Squibb (?) Deposition
2008-07-21 Woods v. Upjohn (hormone therapy) Trial
2008-07-22 Woods v. Upjohn (hormone therapy) Trial
2008-07-23 Woods v. Upjohn (hormone therapy) Trial
2008-07-23 Woods v. Upjohn (hormone therapy) Trial
2008-07-24 Woods v. Upjohn (hormone therapy) Trial
2008-07-24 Woods v. Upjohn (hormone therapy) Trial
2008-07-31 Webster v. Body Dynamics (?) Deposition
2008-08-19-20 Webster v. Nittany Pharmaceuticals (?) Trial
2008-09-09 Steele v. GSK (Paxil) Deposition
2008-09-16 Kelley v. Unico Holdings Co. (bowel preparation solution) Deposition
2008-09-22 Oliva v. Bristol-Myers Squibb (?) Deposition
2008-10-10 Zundel v. J&J (ibuprofen) Deposition
2008-10-16 Seeno v. Mentor Corp. (?) Deposition
2008-12-01 Seeno v. Mentor Corp. (?) Trial
2008-12-18 McGookin v. Guidant Corp. (pediatric pacemaker) Deposition
2009-01-10 Panacryl Sutures PLL Deposition
2009-01-29-30 Zundel v. J&J (ibuprofen) Trial
2009-02-05 Higginbotham v. King (?) Deposition
2009-02-09 McGookin v. Guidant Corp. (pediatric pacemaker) Deposition
2009-02-16 Ingram v. Mylan Pharmaceuticals (phenytoin) Deposition
2009-02-19 Slicho v. Boston Scientific (colonic stent) Deposition
2009-02-27 Grossnickle v. Stryker (pain pump) Trial
2009-03-02 Grossnickle v. Stryker (pain pump) Trial
2009-03-02 Grossnickle v. Stryker (pain pump) Trial
2009-03-12 In Re Fosamax PLL Deposition
2009-03-26 Vance v. Rite-Aid (generic hormone therapy) Deposition
2009-03-26 Fisher v. Pelstring, 2009 WL 8520417 (metoclopramide) Deposition
2009-04-16 Anderson v. Novartis, 2009 WL 6699612 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-04-16 Forman v. Novartis, 2009 WL 6753962 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-04-16 Fussman v. Novartis, 2009 WL 7127450, 2009 WL 7127451, 2009 WL 7127456, 2009 WL 7127460 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-04-16 Brodie v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8160691, 2009 WL 816069 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-04-16 Bartoli v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8520473 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-04-16 Joslin v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8529276 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-04-16 Zimmerman v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8542785 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-04-16 Burt v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8556092 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-04-16-17 Aredia & Zometa PLL, 2009 WL 6754033, 2009 WL 8252132, 2009 WL 8529276 Deposition
2009-04-17 Fussman v. Novartis, 2009 WL 7127454, 2009 WL 7127459 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-04-17 Brodie v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8160684, 2009 WL 8160692 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-04-17 Winter v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8539832, 2009 WL 8539834 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-04-17 Burt v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8556093 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-04-17 Sheffer v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8559506 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-05-04 Ingram v. Mylan Pharmaceuticals (phenytoin) Deposition
2009-05-15 Kilpatrick v. Breg, Inc., 2009 WL 6356410 and 2009 WL 6356411 (pain pump) Deposition
2009-05-21 Poole v. Matrixx Initiatives (homeopathic zinc) Deposition
2009-06-02 Vance v. Rite-Aid (generic hormone therapy) Deposition
2009-06-02 Fisher v. Pelstring, 2009 WL 8520418 (metoclopramide) Deposition
2009-06-10 Meharg vs. I-Flow, 2009 WL 6483210, 2009 WL 6669203, 2009 WL 6669204 and 2009 WL 6725708 (pain pump) Deposition
2009-06-14 Krieger v. CB Fleet (bowel preparation solution) Deposition
2009-07-10 Boles v. Merck (Fosamax) Daubert Hearing
2009-07-09 Howard v. Mylan Pharmaceuticals (phenytoin) Deposition
2009-07-10 Winter v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8539831 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-07-22 Hackett v. Breg, Inc., 2009 WL 854601 (pain pump) Deposition
2009-07-22-3 Cox v. DJO, 2009 WL 5912859, 2009 WL 5912862, 2009 WL 8246323 (pain pump) Deposition
2009-07-28 Vidrine v. Bausch & Lomb (contact lens solution) Deposition
2009-08-19 Boles v. Merck (Fosamax) Trial
2009-08-20 Boles v. Merck (Fosamax) Trial
2009-08-22 Stevens v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8252129 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-08-22 Hogan v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8259660 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-08-22 Knopf v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8529274 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-08-22 Krause v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8529282 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-08-22 Zimmerman v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8542783 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-08-22 Radin v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8559491 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-08-22 Dopson-Troutt v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8559495 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-08-22 Rutz v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8559501 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-08-22 D’Agnese v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8559504 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-08-22 Jenkins v. Novartis, 2009 WL 8559510 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2009-08-27 Meharg v. I-Flow, 2009 WL 6725713 (pain pump) Deposition
2009-08-31 McGookin v. Guidant Corp. (pediatric pacemaker) Trial (a.m. & p.m.)
2009-09-18 Kilker v. GSK (Paxil) Trial
2009-09-18 Kilker v. GSK (Paxil) Trial
2009-09-22 Kilker v. GSK (Paxil) Trial
2009-09-22 Kilker v. GSK (Paxil) Trial
2009-09- 29 Vitatoe v. Mylan Pharmaceuticals, 2009 WL 5454713 (phenytoin) Deposition
2009-10-02 In Re Boston Scientific Corp. Securities Litigation (?) Deposition
2009-10-05 Alderfer v. Breg, Inc., 2009 WL 5912858 (pain pump) Deposition
2009-10-06 In re Trasylol PLL, 2009 WL 6464666 Deposition
2009-10-06 In re Trasylol PLL, 2009 WL 6464689, 2009 WL 6527903 Trial
2009-10-06 Kendall v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2009-10-07 In re Trasylol PLL Deposition
2009-10-13 In re Gadolinium PLL, 2009 WL 6736344 (contrast medium) Deposition
2009-10-15 Stevens v. Novartis (Aredia-Zometa) Trial
2009-10-26 Kendall v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2009-10-27 Kendall v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2009-10-27 Kendall v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2009-10-28 Kendall v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2009-10-28 Kendall v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2009-10-30 Lee v. Clinical Innovations (?) Deposition
2009-11-02 Gerber v. Bayer (?) Deposition
2009-11-04 McMurray v. GSK (Paxil) Deposition
2009-11-21 Ring v. Anne Arundel Health Systems, Inc. (?) Deposition
2010-01-08 Beale v. I-Flow (pain pump) Trial
2010-01-25 Singleton v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 4048206 (hormone therapy) Deposition
2010-01-26 Singleton v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 4053423 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-01-27 Singleton v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 6465079 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-01-27 Stephenson v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 7786424 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-01-27 Cross v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 7507675 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-01-27 Hines v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 7015407 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-01-27 Hines v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 7015409 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-01-27 In re Prempro PLL, 2010 WL 4048207 (hormone therapy) Deposition
2010-01-27 In re Prempro PLL, 2010 WL 4048208 (hormone therapy) Deposition
2010-01-27 LaFerrara v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 4268226 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-01-27 Singleton v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-01-28 Singleton v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 405342 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-01-28 Singleton v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 4053425 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-01-28 LaFerrara v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 4268236 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-01-28 Hines v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 7507780 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-01-29 Foust v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-02-01 Foust v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-02-02 Foust v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-02-02 Foust v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-02-02 LaFerrara v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 4268237 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-02-02 Hines v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 7015403 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-02-02 In re Prempro PLL, 2010 WL 4048214 (hormone therapy) Deposition
2010-02-03 Winter v. Novartis, 2010 WL 8241354 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2010-02-03 Brodie v. Novartis, 2010 WL 6772532 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2010-02-03 Fussman v. Novartis, 2010 WL 4688034 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2010-02-15 Bryant v. Bayer, 2010 WL 2034578 (Trasylol) Deposition
2010-02-19 In re Kugel Mesh PLL (hernia patch) Deposition
2010-03-02 Bryant v. Bayer, 2010 WL 2709951 (Trasylol) Deposition
2010-03-03 In re Kugel Mesh PLL, 2010 WL 2798010, 2010 WL 3054366 (hernia patch) Trial
2010-03-03 Anderson v. St. Jude (heart valve) Trial
2010-03-29 Whitfield v. C.R. Bard, 2 vols. (hernia patch) Trial
2010-04-09 Fisher v. Pelstring, 2010 WL 8033965 (metoclopramide) Deposition
2010-04-12 In re Prempro PLL, 2010 WL 4048209, 2010 WL 4048210, 2010 WL 4048211, 2010 WL 4048212, 2010 WL 4048213 Deposition
2010-04-13 In re Trasylol PLL, 2010 WL 4256804 Daubert Hearing
2010-04-20 Maley v. Merck (Fosamax) Trial
2010-04-21 Maley v. Merck (Fosamax) Trial
2010-04-21 In re Aredia-Zometa PLL, 2010 WL 4114306 Deposition
2010-04-23 Bush v. Ethicon Endo (surgical stapler) Trial
2010-04-30 In re Aredia-Zometa PLL, 2010 WL 3198484, 2010 WL 3198485 Deposition
2010-05-19 LaFerrara v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 4268227, 2010 WL 4268228 (hormone therapy) Deposition
2010-06-03 LaFerrara v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 4268230 (hormone therapy) Deposition
2010-06-04 Phillipi v. Stryker, 2010 WL 4854085 (pain pump) Deposition
2010-06-04 Phillipi v. Stryker, 2010 WL 4955822 (pain pump) Deposition
2010-06-16 Boles v. Merck (Fosamax) Trial
2010-06-18 White v. Novartis, 2010 WL 2984547, 2010 WL 2984548 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2010-07-07 Hansen v. DJO, 2010 WL 5241784 (pain pump) Deposition
2010-07-07 Scaccia v. Sgarlato Labs, 2010 WL 5597804 (pain pump) Deposition
2010-07-25 Singleton v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 7015406 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-08-11 Davis v. Breg (pain pump) Trial
2010-08-12 Thorpe v. C. R. Bard (hernia patch) Trial
2010-08-17 Rix v. Abbott Labs. (Depakote) Deposition
2010-08-21 Arvidson v. DJO, 2010 WL 3973171 (pain pump) Deposition
2010-08-21 McClellan v. I-Flow, 2010 WL 4781352 (pain pump) Deposition
2010-08-26 Meade v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 4970703 (hormone therapy) Deposition
2010-09-02 Lopez v. I-Flow, 2010 WL 8354885, 2010 WL 8354886 (pain pump) Deposition
2010-09-13 Fussman v. Novartis, 2010 WL 4688003 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2010-09-15 Ingram v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 4048202, 2010 WL 4048204 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-09-22 McClellan v. I-Flow (pain pump) Trial
2010-09-29 Hogan v. Novartis, 2010 WL721894 (Aredia-Zometa) Trial
2010-10-12 Young v. C.R. Bard (hernia patch) Deposition
2010-10-15 In re Kugel Mesh PLL, 2010 WL 4662988 (hernia patch) Trial
2010-11-01 Rodriguez v. Stryker, 2010 WL 5876764 (pain pump) Deposition
2010-11-01 Pavelko v. Breg, Inc., 2010 WL 6971968, 2010 WL 6971969 (pain pump) Deposition
2010-11-03 Hogan v. Novartis, 2010 WL 7212892, 2010 WL 7212893 (Aredia-Zometa) Trial
2010-11-05 Graves v. Merck (Fosamax) Trial
2010-11-05 Adams v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 6464468 (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-11-19 Torkie-Tork v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-11-22 Torkie-Tork v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-11-23 Torkie-Tork v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-11-23 Torkie-Tork v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2010-12-13 Rivera-Adams v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Daubert Hearing
2010-12-14 Rivera-Adams v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Daubert Hearing
2011-01-09 Bailey v. Medtronic (insulin pump) Deposition
2011-01-10 Hamilton v. Breg, Inc., 2011 WL 3583244 (pain pump) Deposition
2011-01-12 Davidson v. Wyeth, 2011 WL 343559 (hormone therapy) Partial Expert Testimony
2011-01-21 Scott v. Baxter, 2011 WL 2881908, 2011 WL 3583236 (heparin) Deposition
2011-01-27 Rosenberg v. Merck (Fosamax) Trial
2011-01-29 Foust v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2011-01-31 In re Heparin PLL (heparin) Deposition
2011-02-01 Foust v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2011-02-02 Foust v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2011-02-11 Hogan v. Novartis, 2011 WL 3555931 (Aredia-Zometa) Trial
2011-02-16 Aredia-Zometa PLL, 2011 WL 3555935 Trial
2011-02-26 Aredia-Zometa PLL, 2011 WL 3555936 Trial
2011-02-26 Hogan v. Novartis, 2011 WL 3555937 (Aredia-Zometa) Trial
2011-04-07 Zimmerman v. Novartis, 2011 WL 6752468 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2011-04-11 Deutsch v NPC (Aredia-Zometa) Daubert Hearing
2011-04-11 Winter v. Novartis, 2011 WL 6841253 (Aredia-Zometa) Trial
2011-04-11 Jenkins v. Novartis, 2011 WL 7143703 (Aredia-Zometa) Trial
2011-04-16 Davids v. Novartis, 2011 WL 7143312 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2011-04-17 Davids v. Novartis, 2011 WL 7143311 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2011-04-26 Bush v. Ethicon Endo-Surgical (surgical stapler) Trial
2011-04-28 Pierce v. Grand (Risperdal) Deposition
2011-05-02 Deutsch v NPC (Aredia-Zometa), 2011 WL 3533693 Trial
2011-05-02 Winter v. Novartis, 2011 WL 6841254 (Aredia-Zometa) Trial
2011-05-03 Hansen v. Wyeth, 2011 WL 7141420 (hormone therapy) Partial Expert Testimony
2011-05-31 Winter v. Novartis, 2011 WL 6841251 (Aredia-Zometa) Trial
2011-05-31- Winter v. Novartis, 2011 WL 6841252 (Aredia-Zometa) Trial
2011-06-17 Chandler v. Greenstone, 2011 WL 6982138 (hormone therapy) Trial
2011-07-06 Washington/Martin v. Endoscopy Center, 2011 WL 5118093 (propofol) Deposition
2011-07-13 Hines v. Wyeth, 2011 WL 2848335 (hormone therapy) Trial
2011-07-14 Hines v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2011-08-12 Conklin v. Novartis, 2011 WL 7025571 (Aredia-Zometa) Deposition
2011-10-10 Hackett v. Breg, Inc., 2011 WL 7005832 (pain pump) Deposition
2011-10-12 Curtis v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2011-10-13 Curtis v. Wyeth (hormone therapy) Trial
2011-10-24 In re Nuvaring (nuvaring) Deposition
2011-11-07 Davids et al. v. Novartis, 2011 WL 7143312 (Aredia-Zometa) Partial Expert Testimony
2012-09-14 Brown v. Novartis (Aredia-Zometa) Daubert Hearing
Expert Reports
1997-11-13 Hepatix v. Amphioxus, 1997 WL 34639417 (liver support device)
1998-05-21 Greiner v. Sofamor, 1998 WL 35232983 (bone screw)
1998-06-24 Lennon v. Danek Medical, 1998 WL35232984 (bone screw)
2000 Parker v. Alcon, 2000 WL35536856 (imaging agent)
2001 Johnson v. Ethicon, 2001 WL 35959646 (suture)
2002-03-30 Parker v. Alcon, 2002 WL 34189694 (imaging agent)
2003 Hardy v. Bayer, 2003 WL 24574392 Baycol)
2003-03-07 Riggs v. Medtronic, 2003 WL 26062046 (pacemaker lead)
2004 Oray v. Wyeth, 2004 WL 5716531, 2004 WL 5716532 (hormone therapy)
2004 Rowatt v. Wyeth, 2004 WL 5626232 (hormone therapy)
2004 McCullough v. Aventis Pasteur, 2004 WL 5400441 (flu vaccine)
2004-03-15 Arnett v. TAP, 2004 WL 3557199 (Lupron)
2004-04-12 Reiling v. Zimmer, 2004 WL 5736301 (femoral hip implant)
2004-04-12 Lillebo v. Zimmer, 2004 WL 3630979, 2004 WL 5391482 (femoral hip implant)
2004-07-09 DeSouza v. TAP, 2004 WL 4203905 (Lupron)
2005 In re Prempro PLL, 2005 WL 4704976 (hormone therapy)
2005 In re Medtronic Implantable Defibrillators PLL, 2005 WL 4668503
2005 Meinhart v. Hoveround Corp., 2005 WL 4157955 (electric wheelchair)
2005 Reece v. Astrazeneca, 2005 WL 5155010 and 2005 WL 5718766 (Crestor)
2005 In re Guidant Corp. Implantable Defibrillators PLL, 2005 WL 5543471
2005 Wawrzynek, v. Statprobe, 2005 WL 5895111 (IDE scar removal device)
2005 Spell v. Medtronic, 2005 WL 4908670 (pacemaker lead)
2005-05-20 Renovitch v. Synthes, 2005 WL 5783498 (medullary exchange tube)
2005-07-08 DeSouza v. TAP, 2005 WL 6244846 (Lupron)
2005-07-27 DeSouza v. Tap, 2005 WL 4257814 (Lupron)
2005-10-06 Riggs v. Medtronic, 2005 WL 6705150 (defibrillator)
2005-10-06 Spell v. Medtronic, 2005 WL 3973891 (defibrillator)
2005-10-06 Ware v. Medtronic, 2005 WL 3722818 (defibrillator)
2005-10-06 Lane v. Medtronic, 2005 WL 3722817 (defibrillator)
2005-10-06 Pastor v. Medtronic, 2005 WL 3660183 (defibrillator)
2005-11-15 Doe v. Ortho Clinic Diagnostics, 2005 WL 4200148 (thimerosal)
2006 In Ortho Evra PLL, 2006 WL 5530469 (contraceptive patch)
2006-02-27 Weston v. Kim’s Dollar Store, 2006 WL 4843733 (contact lens)
2006-05-15 Jacob v. Caesars Entertainment, 2006 WL 6185485 (anti-infection practices)
2006-05-18 Rush v. Wyeth, 2006 WL 6632550 (hormone replacement)
2006-06-05 Rush v. Wyeth, 2006 WL 6632514 (hormone replacement)
2006-08-24 Weston v. Kim’s Dollar Store, 2006 WL 4843732 (contact lens)
2006-09-01 In re Guidant Defibrillators PLL, 2006 WL 6271413, 2006 WL 6454674
2006-11-09 Anderson v. Advanced Neuromodulation, 2006 WL 6472191 (percutaneous lead)
2006-11-10 Jacob v. Caesars Entertainment, 2006 WL 6185486 (anti-infection practices)
2006-11-13 In re Prempro PLL, 2006 WL 5925448 (hormone replacement)
2007 USA v. Gower, 2007 WL 4286127 (botulinum toxin)
2007-01-08 Reece v. Astrazeneca, 2007 WL 580804 (Crestor)
2007-01-16 Jacob v. Caesars Entertainment, 2007 WL 5958318 (anti-infection practices)
2007-01-17 In re Human Tissue PLL, 2007 WL 6502170 (cadaver implants)
2007-02-04 In re Bextra & Celebrex PLL, 2007 WL 6908263
2007-05-23 Notmeyer v. Stryker, 2007 WL 1957371 (total hip implant)
2007-05-31 Nix v. GSK, 2007 WL 7047122 (Serevent)
2007-05-31 In re Human Tissue PLL, 2007 WL 2408063 (cadaver implants)
2007-07-02 Hansen v. Wyeth, 2007 WL 7632625 (hormone replacement)
2007-07-02 Aderhold v. Wyeth, 2007 WL 7611073 (hormone replacement)
2007-07-02 Scharff v. Wyeth, 2007 WL 7602377 (hormone replacement)
2007-07-02 Adams v. Wyeth, 2007 WL 7547212 (hormone replacement)
2007-07-02 LaFerrara, v. Wyeth, 2007 WL 7281613 (hormone replacement)
2007-07-02 Oray v. Wyeth, 2007 WL 6598966 (hormone replacement)
2007-07-02 In re Prempro Products Liab. Lit., 2007 WL 4985867, 2007 WL 7128548
2007-07-02 Rowatt v. Wyeth, 2007 WL 3235116 (hormone replacement)
2007-08-29 In re Prempro PLL, 2007 WL 7128543 (hormone replacement)
2007-09-25 Bracey v. CB Fleet, 2007 WL 2946352 (bowel preparation solution)
2007-12-17 Burk v. CB Fleet, 2007 WL 7237111 (bowel preparation solution)
2008-02-04 Haslam v. Pfizer, 2008 WL 5186631 (Bextra)
2008-03-13 In re Guidant Corp. Securities Lit., 2008 WL 2442672 (defibrillator)
2008-04-07 Cullor v. Pfizer, 2008 WL 5270855 (Bextra)
2008-06-11 In re Panacryl Sutures PLL, 2008 WL 6623754
2008-08-23 In re Prempro PLL, 2008 WL 8065338 (hormone replacement)
2008-10-06 Thorn v. Novartis, 2008 WL 8748289 (Aredia-Zometa)
2008-10-06 Jenkins v. Novartis, 2008 WL 8748288 (Aredia-Zometa)
2008-10-06 Burt v. Novartis, 2008 WL 8745678 (Aredia-Zometa)
2008-10-06 Conklin v. Novartis, 2008 WL 8741433 (Aredia-Zometa)
2008-10-06 Zimmerman v. Novartis, 2008 WL 8724673 and 2008 WL 8736949
2008-10-06 Wallace v. Novartis, 2008 WL 8724672 (Aredia-Zometa)
2008-10-06 Joslin v. Novartis, 2008 WL 8718803 (Aredia-Zometa)
2008-10-06 Bartoli v. Novartis, 2008 WL 8714030 (Aredia-Zometa)
2008-10-06 In re Aredia-Zometa PLL, 2008 WL 8654880
2009-04-06 Monroe v. Zimmer, 2009 WL 6574753(pain pump drugs)
2009-04-06 Meharg v. I-Flow, 2009 WL 3708223 (pain pump)
2009-04-17 Hackett v. Breg, Inc., 2009 WL 8519428 (pain pump)
2009-04-17 Hamilton v. Breg, Inc., 2009 WL 82463242009-04-17 (pain pump)
2009-04-17 Pavelko v. Breg, Inc., 2009 WL 8188668 (pain pump)
2009-04-17 Slavenski v. Stryker, 2009 WL 7446876 (pain pump)
2009-04-17 Kilpatrick v. Breg, Inc., 2009 WL 1850783 (pain pump)
2009-04-30 Howard, v. Mylan, 2009 WL1849755 (pain pump)
2009-05-27 Hansen v. DJO, 2009 WL 7252708 (pain pump)
2009-05-27 McClellan v. I-Flow, 2009 WL 7065005 (pain pump)
2009-05-27 Arvidson v. DJO, 2009 WL 6897894 (pain pump)
2009-06-11 Koor v. Merck, 2009 WL 6621886 (Fosamax)
2009-07-14 Vitatoe v. Mylan, 2009 WL 5736495 (phenytoin)
2009-08-18 Bryant v. Bayer, 2009 WL 6496385 (Trasylol)
2009-08-18 In re: Trasylol PLL, 2009 WL 6464665, 2009 WL 8491195
2010-01-25 Vitatoe v. Mylan, 2010 WL 412411, 2010 WL 412412 (phenytoin)
2010-02-24 Vitatoe v. Mylan, 2010 WL 741220 (phenytoin)
2010-02-25 Schrock v. PLIVA, 2010 WL 2709951 (metoclopramide)
2010-05-12 Finnicum v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 3117665 (hormone replacement)
2010-08-14 Rodriguez v. Stryker, 2010 WL 5876755 (pain pump)
2010-08-19 Lopez v. I-Flow, 2010 WL 8354910 (pain pump)
2010-10-29 Adams v. Wyeth, 2010 WL 6559254 (hormone replacement)
2010-12-17 Meade v. Parsley, 2010 WL 5477862 (metoclopramide)
2011-02-11 In re Heparin PLL, 2011 WL 2444690
2011-03-01 Smith v. I-Flow, 2011 WL 4433941 (pain pump)
2011-03-07 Hamilton, v. Breg, Inc. 2011 WL 3420662 (pain pump)
2011-04-11 Keffer v. Wyeth, 2011 WL 4434106 (hormone replacement)
2011-04-15 Cross v. Wyeth, 2011 WL 3665586 (hormone replacement)
2011-05-27 Hines v. Wyeth, 2011 WL 2848382 (hormone replacement)
2011-05-31 Scharff v. Wyeth, 2011 WL 5040578 (hormone replacement)
2011-06-03 Michael v. Wyeth, 2011 WL 3472347 (hormone replacement)
2011-06-17 Michael v. Wyeth, 2011-WL 3472355 (hormone replacement)
2011-06-27 Kammerer, v. Wyeth, 2011 WL 5113480 (hormone replacement)
2011-07-02 Hines v. Wyeth, 2011 2848386 (hormone replacement)
2011-08-05 Stephenson v. Wyeth, 2011 WL 5040532 (hormone replacement)
2011-08-24 Washington v. Teva Parenteral medicines, 2011 WL 5118089
2011-08-26 Grizzle v. Novartis, 2011 WL 6149898 (Aredia-Zometa)
2011-08-26 Knopf v. Novartis, 2011 WL 6330679 (Aredia-Zometa)
2011-09-12 Eddings v. Wyeth, 2011 WL 6961236, 2011 WL 6961237 (hormone therapy)
2011-09-12 Loewen v. Wyeth, 2011 WL 6330713 (hormone therapy)
2011-09-12 Aderhold v. Wyeth, 2011 WL 5893201 (hormone therapy)
2011-09-16 Sauls v. Wyeth, 2011 WL 7112565 (hormone therapy)
Two of Dr. Parisian’s one-time supervisors during her brief stint at the FDA have signed declarations stating Dr. Parisian’s job at the FDA did not provide her with relevant experience concerning prescription drugs, as opposed to medical devices (the FDA office where she worked). Here are the declarations of Bruce Burlington and Susan Alpert. We note that, while these declarations were initially under seal, the court in the relevant litigation (at plaintiffs’ request) later ordered them unsealed, thus making the declarations generally available.
Dr. Parisian has published, under the pseudonym “McLean Thomas,” a fictional work entitled “Twin Cubs of a White Wolf.” Because the novel is out of print, and has been the subject of cross-examination, we include a copy of it here.
We’re sure this is not complete. Know of others? Send them to us. We’ll put them on this unfortunately way too long list.