For our loyal readers mourning a missed, or modified, Halloween, Reed Smith has a treat to offer: a series of complimentary, life sciences-focused CLE webinars running from November 9 to 13 as a virtual “Life Sciences CLE Week.” (See below for information on jurisdictions in which credit is offered.) Reed Smith typically offers this program annually as an intimate, in-person event for clients, but is pleased to offer this COVID-revised version to a broader audience.
Two of your bloggers, Bexis and Steve McConnell, will be giving a presentation that Wednesday on “Albrecht and implied preemption – Is there any clear evidence where we go from here?”
Rachel Weil will also be joined by several of our product liability colleagues for a Monday presentation on, “The ABCs of an MDL: Lessons learned through the lens of a case,” which will include an interesting discussion on strategies that anticipate remand, what happens after remand, and best practices to position your clients for success at trial.
The line-up also includes:
- “Best practices and war stories from remote litigation and arbitration,” presented by Reed Smith colleagues drawing on their experience conducting a remote jury trial, a remote arbitration, and a remote mediation to offer “from the trenches” perspectives and best practices.
- “Current trends in False Claims Act and antitrust enforcement,” which will include COVID-related issues.
- “Pharma’s evolving relationship with telehealth,” which will discuss how pharma is increasingly focused on telehealth providers and the key regulatory and enforcement issues to consider in such relationships.
- “The benefits of arbitration for life sciences and health care industry disputes,” which will discuss the benefits that arbitration offers for both domestic and cross-border life sciences and health care industry disputes, including arbitrator expertise, confidentiality, procedural flexibility, more targeted documentary disclosure, global enforceability of awards, single venue proceedings, and a less combative environment that permits parties to continue doing business together.
Each webinar in this series is presumptively approved for CLE credit in California, Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas and West Virginia. Applications for CLE credit will be filed in Delaware, Florida, Ohio, and Virginia. Attendees who are licensed in other jurisdictions will receive a uniform certificate of attendance but Reed Smith only provides credit for the states listed.
To register, or for more detailed information on the credit offered for each session, please visit the registration page.