As our loyal readers know, the blog has been keeping a close eye on plaintiffs’ efforts to apply product liability law to software . This is of course an area of keen interest to medical device, software, and tech companies active or entering the digital health space.
The blog’s own Eric Alexander, with Reed Smith co-authors Gerry Stegmaier, Jamie Lanphear, and Michael Rubayo, has now written a very thorough chapter on this subject for the International Comparative Legal Guides’ fourth edition of its Digital Health guide. Titled “Predicting Risk and Examining the Intersection of Traditional Principles of Product Liability Laws with Digital Health,” the chapter is aimed at assisting device manufacturers and software developers in digital health in anticipating, preparing for, and responding to this potentially rapidly changing liability landscape.
Complimentary access to the article is available on ICLG’s website, and you can also download a complimentary PDF from