Without detouring into a larger discussion on the impacts of humans on the environment and our fellow animals, we can say that we are big fans of the other extant great apes. Our puppy’s fascination with nature documentaries has helped pique that interest of late. Our gingery cousin the orangutan, the largest primarily arboreal mammal
Litigation Tourism
A Forum-Shopping Plaintiff Can Be Transferred Out Of Her Home District
By Eric Alexander on

After recent posts on the AHM (or Hippo) litigation, we read the excellent FDA reply brief and considered yet another post on the subject. With the oral argument before the Fifth Circuit yesterday and more briefs and decisions to come, we elected to deal with a topic that was not quite so weighty. In…
FNC Won’t Let Mass Litigation Tourism Be
By Eric Alexander on
State Court Reservations Cancelled for Litigation Tourists in Philadelphia Mesh Litigation
By Rachel B. Weil on

We have been accused of using this Blog as our personal travelogue, posting details of our various adventures notwithstanding the tenuous-at-best connections to the case descriptions that follow. Guilty. Today, for example, we wanted to let you know that you should not miss the opportunity for a visit to the hallowed Bluebird Cafe if you…