Photo of Eric Alexander

In our experience, plaintiffs in product liability cases always seek punitive damages.  Even when their claimed injuries are quite modest or their state does not permit punitive damages, they give it a shot.  We have had cases with partial summary judgment on punitive damages, with directed verdict on punitive damages, and with jury verdicts for

Photo of Bexis

Ever since our Bone Screw days, when we used the strategy to great effect, we’ve rooted for defendants undertaking to beat post-MDL remand plaintiffs in guerrilla litigation in numerous courts across the country.  The way to do it is twofold:  On the one hand the defendant creates litigation uncertainty by hemming the other side in

Photo of Bexis

Bexis has just returned from a week’s vacation in Acadia National Park in Maine.  After being rained out for a couple of days due to a stray hurricane, he climbed four mountains in three days – the Precipice Trail up Mt. Champlain; the West Face Cadillac Mountain trail up that mountain, and the Jordan Cliffs/Deer