We write this as we prepare to leave for an overseas trip. We have our N95s, our face shields, and our vaccine card, along with a bit of apprehension and a large measure of giddy gratitude. It has been a long eighteen months (and counting). We’ll fill in some details next time, but we’ll sign
Warnings Causation
Good and Not-So-Good Holdings in District of New Hampshire Hernia Mesh Case
This post is not from the Dechert side of the Blog.
We exchanged e-mails today with one of our first mentors, many years retired. With this long-ago colleague, we tried our first prescription drug cases when we were fresh out of law school, creating some of the fondest memories of our decades-long legal career. Back…
Great Results, if Wobbly Reasoning, in Taxotere “Warnings Causation” Decisions
No “Financial Bias” Exception to Learned Intermediary Rule in Florida—or Anywhere Else
The plaintiff in Salinero v. Johnson & Johnson, __ F.3d __, No. 20-10900, 2021 WL 1681237 (11th Cir. Apr. 29, 2021), tried a new twist to get around the learned intermediary rule—and it did not work. The district court rejected the plaintiff’s attempt to graft a “financial bias” exception onto Florida’s learned intermediary rule,…
Fifth Circuit Affirms Two Defense Victories from the Taxotere MDL
Good and Bad in IVC Filter Decision out of the Middle District of Tennessee
We tend to favor a “glass half full” outlook. We are preternaturally sunshiny during our daily “how was your day” calls from the 86-year-old Drug and Device Law Dowager Countess. (We have not mentioned, for example, that our aging dog has begun sleeping most of the day and barking most of the night, resulting in…
Delaware Court Weighs In On Texas Law And Dismissal Ensues
Delaware is having something of a moment in the sun. Although the state’s license plates have long announced it as “The First State,” that refers to being the first to ratify the U.S. Constitution. It is the second smallest in size and sixth smallest in population of the current fifty states. The casual peruser of…
Right on Warnings in Texas, Not So Much on the Rest
Sometimes a case has one bright shining point floating in a sea of not-so-good ones, or a stand-out result lost among outcomes that should have gone the other way. That describes Isaac v. C.R. Bard, Inc., No. A-19-CV-895, 2021 WL 1177882 (W.D. Tex. Mar. 29, 2021), a case remanded from the Bard IVC filter…
No Heeding Presumption (and No Warnings Causation) in Eastern District of Wisconsin Mesh Case
We understand the value of branching out and trying new things. Recently, a close companion prevailed upon us to try calamari (thumbs down). We signed up for a Zoom acting class during the pandemic. And we are seriously considering a “new” hair color, to take advantage of the natural phenomenon that has occurred during the…
A Mixed R&R From The Abilify MDL
Outside of the law, if you hear “R&R,” you might think of “rest and relaxation” or the original military term “rest and recuperation.” For many of us, the last year has had plenty of rest, but maybe not much true relaxation or recuperation. As in-person trials are set and the world inches toward a “return…