Preliminary Injunction

Photo of Bexis

Each of these cases is significant enough to merit its own post, but since they came down within a week of each other, we’re discussing both of them here.  They are:  Gahl v. Aurora Health Care, Inc. ___ N.W.2d ___, 2023 Wisc. LEXIS 137 (Wis. May 2, 2023), and M.T. v. Walmart Stores, Inc., ___ P.3d ___, 2023 WL 3135662 (Kan. App. April 28, 2023).Continue Reading Two New Appellate COVID-Related Developments

Photo of Bexis

We’re happy to report on a couple of favorable decisions involving some of the COVID-19-related issues that the Blog has been covering.  We have one each on ivermectin injunctions, Shoemaker v. UPMC, ___ A.3d ___, 2022 WL 4372772 (Pa. Super. Sept. 22, 2022), and vaccine mandates, Children’s Health Defense, Inc. v. Rutgers, 2022 WL 4377515 (D.N.J. Sept. 22, 2022).Continue Reading Two Recent COVID-19 Wins

Photo of Bexis

Today’s somewhat unusual guest post is by Reed Smith‘s Matt Loughran.  It concern’s the Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision to permit the government to continue enforcement of its requirement that healthcare workers (at least those in facilities that accept Medicare/Medicaid, which is most of them) be vaccinated to avoid infecting themselves and their patients

Photo of Rachel B. Weil

We take a break from assembling Halloween costumes for the Drug and Device Law Little Rescue dogs – a UPS worker, complete with cardboard parcel, and Batwoman – for another great decision involving a plaintiff’s opposition to a vaccine mandate.  A number of recent blogposts have reported unsuccessful efforts by anti-vaxxers to enlist judicial support