Photo of Stephen McConnell

Happy San Jacinto Day. On April 21, 1836, Texans won the battle of San Jacinto, the last battle of the Texas revolution, in which Texas secured its independence from Mexico. In the past 185 years, Texans have never ceased showing an independent streak.

That is true for Texas product liability law. It is uncommonly sensible.

Photo of Rachel B. Weil

Yesterday afternoon, only a few minutes after we saw the storm warning and cut short our walk with the Drug and Device Law Little Rescue Dogs, a brief but violent thunderstorm crashed through our neighborhood in the western suburbs of Philadelphia. (We note, parenthetically, that the adjective “violent” describes our weather with unprecedented and escalating

Photo of Bexis

It seems so obvious as not to require a citation – but this is the Drug and Device Law Blog, so we’ll provide some anyway.

Furnishing an adequate warning satisfies a product manufacturer’s duty to warn.

Thus, in a prescription medical product case, “if the manufacturer provides complete, accurate, and appropriate warnings about the product

Photo of Michelle Yeary

You’ll find plenty of decisions from the amiodarone litigation discussed on the blog.  Not surprisingly, because it is a generic drug, they almost exclusively focus on Mensing preemption – or we should say on plaintiffs’ attempts to bypass Mensing.  But there are cases involving exposure to the branded product as well.  And earlier this