Photo of Lisa Baird

For design defect claims, a key issue is whether the relevant jurisdiction requires evidence that a suitable alternative design existed that would have allowed the plaintiff to dodge the alleged injury.  This blog has posted at length about alternative design requirements and their nuances.  These posts address everything from the existential question of “What

Photo of Stephen McConnell

Our work on “hard goods” (automobile, appliance, fire) product liability cases is greatly outnumbered by our drug and device cases (and probably also outnumbered these days by website privacy cases).  But the history of product liability has often been driven by such hard goods cases.  Think of Cardozo’s famous opinion in MacPherson v. Buick.

Photo of Bexis

Over the past few months, Bexis, with the substantial help of several Reed Smith associates, has prepared a law review article – “Federal Preemption and the Post- Dobbs Reproductive Freedom Frontier” – which will soon be published in the Food & Drug Law Journal.  A draft of this article is now available on SSRN.

The core premise of Bexis’ article is very simple:  Once the FDA has said “yes” and approved a particular drug for a particular indication (“intended use”) for sale in the United States, federal preemption precludes any state from saying “no” and trying to ban that same FDA-approved drug.  It doesn’t matter whether that drug is morphine, methadone, minoxidil – or mifepristone.Continue Reading Mifepristone Manufacturer Wins First Round in West Virginia

Photo of Michelle Yeary

When we first looked at the decision for today’s post, we thought about comparing it to fan fiction. If you aren’t familiar with the term it is fiction stories written about characters from an original work of fiction created by fans of the original work as opposed to its creator. Pretty straightforward in concept. But