Photo of Michelle Yeary

How is the Georgia General Assembly like Dr. Seuss’s kind-hearted Horton the Elephant?  They both meant what they said and said what they meant.  Horton was talking about an elephant’s faithfulness (being 100%).  The Georgia General Assembly was talking about requiring that product liability claims be initiated within ten years from “the first sale

Photo of Andrew Tauber

We have frequently reported on plaintiffs’ efforts to salvage untimely claims in the Taxotere MDL. See, for example, here, here, and here. As we explained here, the basic problem for many plaintiffs—who claim that the chemotherapy drug Taxotere caused them permanent hair loss—is how the MDL master complaint defines the plaintiffs’

Photo of Steven Boranian

Montana became the first state to ban TikTok this month.  You no doubt have seen the press and have read the spirited discussion condemning foreign spies on the one hand and championing First Amendment rights on the other.  Litigation has already commenced.  But, while all that was developing, you may have overlooked that Montana

Photo of Eric Alexander

We start with a disclaimer:  The following metaphorical exercise is somewhat forced, but we are doing it anyway.  If you are like us, then you are a few months in on a pattern of only buying groceries every week or so, perhaps supplemented by bulk deliveries of meat or seafood that you may need to