It is beach weather, but which beach? The Jersey shore is close, has fun boardwalks and rides, and offers the comfort of the familiar. Then again, you must pay to get on sand covered with New Yorkers. The Outer Banks are lovely, with dunes, wild horses along the surf, splendid lighthouses, and the spot where
Consumer Fraud
Prescription Drugs and Class Actions Do Not Mix

Some things were never meant to go together. Oil and water. Ice cream and ketchup. Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort (although fans of the books will quickly point out that Boy Who Lived was actually linked inextricably to his arch enemy). Picnics and honey bees. Elected officials and the power to borrow money. You get…
Another Supplement Class Action Runs Into Primary Jurisdiction

Stop us if you have heard this before. A group of plaintiffs bring a purported class action under a range of California consumer protection laws seeking damages related to the purchase of a medical product (or collection of somewhat related medical products) that they claimed failed to comply with FDA requirements. The defendants raise preemption…
“Could This Be the ENDS of Buckman?” Mused The Vaped Crusader

In the ever-extending period of working from home and social distancing, we have spent some time watching various exemplars of the “superhero” genre and noted that the uber kitschy afterschool and weekend morning staple of our youth is not being recreated. (If Stevie Mac is from the Pleistocene, then our youth was in the…
No Fourth-Party Payor Liability in New Jersey

In their unending quest to make a plaintiff out of everyone, some creative members from the other side of the “v.” have concocted a claim that we call “fourth-party payor” liability. Regular blog readers are certainly familiar with “third-party payor” actions brought – entirely for economic losses – by insurers, pension funds, and other organizations…
Guest Post − How Much Is Too Much Deference To FDA Warning Letters in Consumer Class Actions?

Today’s guest post is by Camille L. Fletcher and Joshua Kipnees, both with Patterson Belknap. We actually sought out this guest post, which is rare. We first saw it on one of Patterson’s in-house firm blogs, and it was one of those rare law firm posts that did more than describe a…
Nutty Cosmetic Class Crushed

We may not know much about skin care, but we know a thing or two about labeling claims. Whether for a drug, a device, a food, a cosmetic, or some other product, it is necessary to apply some common sense in determining what is or is not in a product’s labeling should give rise…
Trying To Make A Food Labeling Claim Stick

Our last post talked about carbohydrate-rich Thanksgiving food. Today, we are talking about a putative class action on the labeling of certain diet foods, particularly in regard to “net carbs” and sugar alcohols. This was not planned. Colella v. Atkins Nutritionals, Inc., No. 17-cv-5867 (KAM), 2018 WL 6437082 (E.D.N.Y. Dec. 7, 2018), on the…
SDNY TKOs MMA Fighter’s Fraud Claims vs. Dietary Supplements

For at least forty years we’ve been hearing that soccer is going to supplant baseball, basketball, or football among America’s top three sports. It hasn’t happened. Maybe we heirs of Washington, Jefferson, Ruth, Rice, and Chamberlain have limited enthusiasm for one-nil scores and players diving and mimicking death throes in a cheap effort to extract…
Federal Court Rules That 510(k) Clearance Relates To Safety And Effectiveness

A myth that has regrettably gained some traction lately is that the FDA’s clearance of a medical device under the 510(k) substantial equivalence process is unrelated to safety and efficacy. One notably unfair manifestation of this myth is the entry of orders in limine in a number of recent medical device cases excluding evidence of…